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Tom Keelin

Managing Partner, Keelin Reeds Partners

About this speaker

Tom has combined a decision-professional career with innovations to advance the field. Tom is a founder and Managing Partner of Keelin Reeds Partners, a firm that provides strategy, decision analysis, and education services. Previously, over two decades with the Strategic Decisions Group (SDG), Tom co-developed with his colleagues the definition of “decision quality”, supervised or led dozens of decision analysis or strategy engagements for Fortune 1000 companies, founded SDG’s life sciences practice, and served as head of human resources, board member, and Worldwide Managing Director. In the 1980’s, Tom co-developed and published an award-winning methodology for electric power capacity planning and served as an expert witness on decision quality. In the 1990’s, with his Harvard Business Review article “How SmithKline Beecham Makes Better Resource Allocation Decisions”, Tom introduced portfolio-management methods that are widely used today and that led to significant job creation for decision professionals. In the 2000’s, Tom developed and published the metalog distributions to help increase decision professionals’ productivity. Tom is a Fellow of the Society of Decision Professionals and a founder and director of the not-for-profit Decision Education Foundation. He holds three Stanford degrees: BA in Economics and MS and PhD in Engineering-Economic Systems.

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The Metalog distributions: future of risk management quantification

Tom Keelin